Monday, February 10, 2025

New or barely used hard cover books out the door

Babb, Valerie.  A history of the African American novel. Cambridge University Press, 2017.

McElhinney, Ann and McAleer, Phelim. Gosnell; the untold story of America's most prolific serial killer.  Regnery Publishing, 2017.

Levin, Mark R.  American Marxism. Threshold editions, 2021.

Murray, Charles.  Coming apart; the state of white America, 1960-2010. Crown Forum, 2012.

Hamilton, Alexander, Madison, James, Jay, John. The Federalist. Barnes & Noble Books, 1996.

McCullough, David.  1776. Simon & Schuster, 2005.

Gilbert, Martin. A history of the 20th century, vol. 3, 1952-1999. William Morrow & Co., 1999.

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