Monday, February 10, 2025

Christian books looking for believers at the book sale

 Bernstein, Carl and Politi, Marco.  His holiness; John Paul II and the hidden history of our time. Doubleday,1996.

Smedes, Lewis B. Forgive and forget; healing the hurts we don't deserve. Guideposts, 1984. 

A heavy load--I hate to give them up, but they are going to the UAPL sale.

Jeremiah, David.  Revealing the mysteries of heaven. Study guide. Turning point. 2017,

Sullivan, Francis A. Magisterium; teaching authority in the Catholic Church. Paulist Press, 1983.

McKenzie, John L. Authority in the church. Sheed and Ward, 1966.

Nordman, Paul. Christ in me. 48 daily Reflections. Xulon Press. 2016.

William Tyndale's New Testament. Wordsworth Classics. 2002.

Streams in the desert.  366 Daily Devotional readings.     Zondervan, 1997.

Stedman, Rick. Praying the armor of God.  Harvest House.2015.

Bible stories. 2009,

Bibliia [Russian].Trinitarian Bible Society, n.d.

1001 ideas that changed the way we think. Atria books. 2013.

Hallesby, O. Prayer. Augsburg,1994

Used paperbacks off to the book sale

 Goldberg, Philip and Prevention Magazine. Pain remedies.  Dell, 1997

Rapoport, Alan. Conquering headache. 3d rev. ed. Empowering press, 2001.

Genealogy online for dummies. IDG Books. 1998.

iPad for seniors for dummies. 8th ed. 2016. 

Honeycutt, Kim, ed. What lurks  . .? Lakeside writing project., Blurb, 2012.

Howard, W.J. Doing simple math in your head. Coast Publishing, 1992.

Atkins, Robert. Art speak; a guide to contemporary ideas, movements, and buzzwords, 1945 to the present. 2nd edition. Abbeville Press, 1997.

New or barely used hard cover books out the door

Babb, Valerie.  A history of the African American novel. Cambridge University Press, 2017.

McElhinney, Ann and McAleer, Phelim. Gosnell; the untold story of America's most prolific serial killer.  Regnery Publishing, 2017.

Levin, Mark R.  American Marxism. Threshold editions, 2021.

Murray, Charles.  Coming apart; the state of white America, 1960-2010. Crown Forum, 2012.

Hamilton, Alexander, Madison, James, Jay, John. The Federalist. Barnes & Noble Books, 1996.

McCullough, David.  1776. Simon & Schuster, 2005.

Gilbert, Martin. A history of the 20th century, vol. 3, 1952-1999. William Morrow & Co., 1999.