Monday, February 10, 2025

Christian books looking for believers at the book sale

 Bernstein, Carl and Politi, Marco.  His holiness; John Paul II and the hidden history of our time. Doubleday,1996.

Smedes, Lewis B. Forgive and forget; healing the hurts we don't deserve. Guideposts, 1984. 

A heavy load--I hate to give them up, but they are going to the UAPL sale.

Jeremiah, David.  Revealing the mysteries of heaven. Study guide. Turning point. 2017,

Sullivan, Francis A. Magisterium; teaching authority in the Catholic Church. Paulist Press, 1983.

McKenzie, John L. Authority in the church. Sheed and Ward, 1966.

Nordman, Paul. Christ in me. 48 daily Reflections. Xulon Press. 2016.

William Tyndale's New Testament. Wordsworth Classics. 2002.

Streams in the desert.  366 Daily Devotional readings.     Zondervan, 1997.

Stedman, Rick. Praying the armor of God.  Harvest House.2015.

Bible stories. 2009,

Bibliia [Russian].Trinitarian Bible Society, n.d.

1001 ideas that changed the way we think. Atria books. 2013.

Hallesby, O. Prayer. Augsburg,1994

Used paperbacks off to the book sale

 Goldberg, Philip and Prevention Magazine. Pain remedies.  Dell, 1997

Rapoport, Alan. Conquering headache. 3d rev. ed. Empowering press, 2001.

Genealogy online for dummies. IDG Books. 1998.

iPad for seniors for dummies. 8th ed. 2016. 

Honeycutt, Kim, ed. What lurks  . .? Lakeside writing project., Blurb, 2012.

Howard, W.J. Doing simple math in your head. Coast Publishing, 1992.

Atkins, Robert. Art speak; a guide to contemporary ideas, movements, and buzzwords, 1945 to the present. 2nd edition. Abbeville Press, 1997.

New or barely used hard cover books out the door

Babb, Valerie.  A history of the African American novel. Cambridge University Press, 2017.

McElhinney, Ann and McAleer, Phelim. Gosnell; the untold story of America's most prolific serial killer.  Regnery Publishing, 2017.

Levin, Mark R.  American Marxism. Threshold editions, 2021.

Murray, Charles.  Coming apart; the state of white America, 1960-2010. Crown Forum, 2012.

Hamilton, Alexander, Madison, James, Jay, John. The Federalist. Barnes & Noble Books, 1996.

McCullough, David.  1776. Simon & Schuster, 2005.

Gilbert, Martin. A history of the 20th century, vol. 3, 1952-1999. William Morrow & Co., 1999.

Thursday, January 23, 2025

History, biography and Mary Higgins Clark to the UAPL booksale


Faces from the past. Richard M. Ketchum. American Heritage Press, 1970. Essays with photos. I think that's Zachary Taylor on the cover.

The 5000 year leap; the 28 great ideas that changed the world. W. Cleon Skousen. National Center for Constitutional Studies, 2006.

Blackout. Candace Owens. 2020.

Settle for more. Megyn Kelly. 2016.

Mary Higgins Clark mysteries. All hard cover. Bob has enjoyed these--most came from the UAPL sale for him to enjoy in his easy chair.

Daddy's gone a hunting. 2013

All around the town. 1992

The second time around. 2003

As time goes by.2016

All by myself alone. 2017

Cook books looking for a new kitchen

 These will probably go the UAPL book sale. Not even a splatter on these.  I think I read them, but didn't use them. Taste of Home are lovely to look at--originally were from Wisconsin.  The quilt shows by the Amish in Lakeside were fun--bought some there--given away over the years, but this may be the last.

Explore Ohio cookbook and travel guide. Christy Campbell. 2015.

The market fresh cookbook; Taste of Home. 2006.

Sara's family recipes Valentine & Sara Hershberger, Baltic Ohio.  c. 1996. Bought at the Lakeside quilt show, July 1998.

Best of the best from Illinois cookbook. Selected recipes from Illinois' favorite cookbooks. Gwen McKee and Barbara Moseley. Quail Ridge Press, 1995.

Taste of Home Christmas 2011. Reiman Media Group. Reader's Digest Association. 2011.

Foods that harm foods that heal.  Reader's Digest Association. 2004.

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Books leaving home, Architecture, January 2025

 Book lovers love to collect and grieve when the books need to go.  Here's the list leaving home in January, 2025

Architecture as space; how to look at architecture. Bruno Zevi. Horizon Press, 1957.

202 outstanding city house ideas.  Manuel Gutierrez Couto. Firefly Books, 2016.  We kept this on the coffee table for several years and browsed as needed.  Someone will enjoy.

The old house book of cottages and bungalows. Compiled by Lawrence Grow. Main Street Press, Pittstown, New Jersey, 1987. Here's the problem with "weeding."  On p. 103 is the floor plan of the home of my friend Lynne in Mt. Morris, IL described as California mission styled bungalow. Many adorable 2 bedroom homes.

The plywood house. Prepared by the School of Architecture of Pratt Institute. 71 p. Internet record says published in 1966, but I can't find it on the piece. I think it was part of an exhibition.

Your new house; the alert consumer's guide to buying and building a quality home. by Alan & Denise Fields, Windsor Peak Press, 1993.

Historic houses of America open to the public (An American Heritage guide) 1971. 320 p.

Twentieth Century American architecture; a traveler's guide to 220 key buildings. Sydney LeBlanc. Revised and expanded 2nd edition. Whitney Guide. Whitney Library of Design, 1996.

Arkkitehti [Finnish architectural review] v. 7, no. 8, 1976.  It's my guess this came from Erkki Alanen who lived with us when he first came to Columbus.

Plans for concrete houses. 3rd ed. Portland Cement Assocation, 1925. Insert is an order blank to buy more books, 79 p. This was my grandparents'.

Thursday, April 14, 2022

F.A. Hayek on totalitarianism of the Leftists

How should we conservatives think about race and critical theory, CRT; the misnamed gender affirmation or transgenderism; the climate change cult; abortion on demand at any stage of pregnancy; free and open borders ; mandates that didn't reduce the toll of the pandemic and had never been tried before? F.A. Hayek had some thoughts.

" Incredible as some of these aberrations [spirit of totalitarianism] may appear, we must yet be on our guard not to dismiss them as mere accidental by-products which have nothing to do with the essential character of a planned or totalitarian system. They are not. THEY ARE A DIRECT RESULT OF THAT SAME DESIRE TO SEE EVERYTHING DIRECTED BY A "UNITARY CONCEPTION OF THE WHOLE," of the need to uphold at all costs the views in the service of which people are asked to make constant sacrifices, and of the general idea that the knowledge and beliefs of the people are an instrument to be used for a single purpose. Once science has to serve, not TRUTH, but the interests of a class, a community or a state, the sole task of argument and discussion is to vindicate and to spread still further the beliefs by which the whole life of the community is directed. As the Nazi minister of justice has explained, the question which every new scientific theory must ask itself is: "Do I serve National Socialism for the greatest benefit of all?"

The word TRUTH itself ceases to have its old meaning. . . it becomes something to be laid down by AUTHORITY, something which has to be believed in the interest of the unity of the organized effort and which may have to be altered as the exigencies of this organized effort require it. p. 178 "The Road to Serfdom; text and documents. F.A. Hayek, 1944, 2007.