List of books
Great religions of the world (National Geographic, 1971)
Ancient-future faith; rethinking evangelicalism (Webber, Baker, 1999)
The Christian calendar; complete guide to the seasons of the Christian year (Merriam, 1974)
Complete guide to Bible versions (Tyndale, 1991, pb.)
Renovation of the heart (Willard, Navpress, 2002)
What the Bible is all about (Henrietta Mears, Regal, 1966, pb.)
The challenge of today (1st state convention Methodist men, Columbus, OH, March 1915)
Infant baptism and adult conversion (Hallesby, Augsburg, 1926 pb.)
Brochures: God’s man of faith (Luther); Small catechism (Luther); Why Jesus have his life for us; Women of the Bible; About the sacrament of baptism; Abstinence; Enriching your marriage; The servant as Leaders (Robert Greenleaf);
Jesus and his times (Reader’s Digest, 1987)
After Jesus (Reader’s Digest, 1992)
I and thou (Buber, Touchstone, 1970 , pb)
The happy Christian (Murray, Nelson, 2015, pb)
The Lord’s Prayer (Noyes, First Congregational, Columbus, 1962, pb)
History, criticism and Faith (Inter-varsity, 1976 pb)
A book of prayers for boys and girls (Neumann, Wartburg, 1943)
My prayer book (Concordia, 1957)
The art of reading scripture (David and Hays, Eerdmans, 2003 pb)
Treasures from the Greek New Testament ;Wuest’s word studies (Wuest, Eerdmans, 1941 pb)
A brief story of the Augsburg Confession (Concordia, 1930, pb)
Devotions and prayers of Martin Luther (Baker, 1965, pb)
Women in the Bible helpful friends (Latham, Broadman, 1979)
Encounter with books; a guide to Christian reading (Inter-Varsity, 1971, pb.)
Blog (Hewitt, Nelson, 2005)
Liberty and tyranny (Levin, Threshold, 2009)
The new thought police (Bruce, Forum, 2001)
Right for a reason (Chicks on the right, Sentinel, 2014)
A simple Christmas (Huckabee, Sentinel, 2009)
Power to the people (Ingraham, Regnery, 2007)
My grandfather’s son (Thomas, Harper Collins, 2007)
Extraordinary, ordinary people (Rice, Crown, 2010)
Arguing with idiots (Beck, Threshold, 2009)
Culturally incorrect (Parsley, Nelson, 2007)
Paradise suite/Bobos in Paradise (Simon & Schuster, 2011)
Countdown to the Apocalypse (Jeffress, Faith Words, 2015, pb)
The bookshop, the gate of angels, the blue flower (Fitzgerald, Everyman’s library 247, 2001)
Glenn Beck’s Common sense (Threshold, 2009, pb)
Overton Window (fiction) (Threshold, 2010)
Flight Behavior (Kingsolver, HarperCollings, 1st ed., 2012)
Black Orchid (Harper, Signet, 1996) autographed by author
The book thief (Zusak, Knopf, 2005 pb)
The notebook (Sparks, Warner, 1996)
The Christmas Letters (Smith, Algonquin, 1996)
When I am an old woman I shall wear Purple (Papier-Mache Press, 1987,pb)
I am becoming the woman I’ve wanted (Papier-Mache Press, 1994, pb)
Women of words (Bukovinsky, Running Press, 1994)
Old age is not for sissies (Peter Pauper Press, 1989)
Making your own days (Koch, Scribner, 1998)
A dictionary of textile terms (Dan River, 1967, pb)
Women’s Magazines 1940-1960 (Bedford, 1998, pb)
Women writers at work, (Plimpton, 1989, pb)
So your husband’s gone to war! (Gorham, Doubleday 1942) with book cover, rare.
It was on fire when I law down on it (Fulghum, Villard, 1989)
Sea biscuit (Hillenbrand, Ballentine, 2001)
On writing well (Zinsser, Harper, 1988)
Reading Lolita in Tehran (Nafisi, Random House, 2004)
Writing down the bones (Goldberg, Shambhala, 1986)
A book lover’s journal (for recording titles read) (Addison-Wesley, 1986)
A handbook of literary terms (Citadel, 1966 pb)
Concise Oxford dictionary of literary terms (Bladick, Oxford, 1990)
Dearest friend (Withey, Touchstone, 1981)
Life at the speed of Light (Venter, Viking, 2013)
Courage to be rich (Orman, Riverhead, 1999)
Healthwise for life, (4th ed. Healthwise, 2000)
Family guide to natural medicine (Reader’s Digest, 1993)
It’s always the heart (Constantine, Westbow, 2014, pb.)
I love horses and ponies, over 50 breeks (Scholastic, 2011)
New Yorker book of cat cartoons (Knopf, 1990)
Simply Divine (Harris, Prima, 1996)
The Desperate housewives cookbook (Hyperion, 2016)
Socialized history of the United States (Vannest, Scriber’s, 1934)
My Country, civics textbook (Turkington, Ginn, 1923)
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