Saturday, October 29, 2011

A new book about women . . .

This is making the rounds of Facebook and I couldn't resist.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Knight: A Noble Guide for Young Squires

Today at Volunteers of America for $1.91 I purchased another pop up book, Knight: A Noble Guide for Young Squires, c2006 The Templar Company, published by Candlewick Press, 2067 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge, MA 02140. It is a lovely children's book by “Ernest Drake,” a pen name, who has published the book Dragonology, and under the name Dugald Steer wrote The Dragon’s Eye about Ernest Drake’s adventures.

"Knight, which is about knights, is written under the pseudonym “Sir Geoffrey de Lance” who writes to ask his son Hector to rescue him from a castle in France and in so doing provides Hector (and the reader) with all kinds of information about how to become a knight, what knights do, and other interesting items about knighthood. There are all sorts of interactive popups and sidebars with notes and illustrations. The book says “Ages 3 and Up,” but even when he was age eleven, Jeremy just loved reading through it and using the material as he played “knight” with his friends. It would make a great and highly usable (i.e., fun) resource for youngsters learning about medieval European history."

"As the book is written by Hector’s father, his voice comes through loud and clear in an often humorous way. After all it would not do for Hector to forget that the whole point of this exercise is that Hector is expected to rescue his father from captivity."

Book: Knight: A Noble Guide for Young Squires
Author: Dugald A. Steer
Illustrators: Alastair Graham and Neil Chapman
Publisher: Candlewick Press, 2006
ISBN-13: 9780763630621
ISBN-10: 0763630624