Saturday, March 23, 2013

Bible Stories

We have a remainder/cut price store in Columbus called "Marc's." I found a little treasure yesterday for $3. If you go to the last aisle past the cereal and carpets, they've moved a section of children's books. On the top shelf there were about 20 copies of "Bible Stories," by Martina Degl'innocenti and Stella Marinone. I picked one up thinking it was a child's book, but it wasn't--it was about every manner of art from paintings, to sculpture to tapestry to miniatures, illustrating biblical stories--275 in full color. It was originally published in Italy, and the reprint (Abrams) was done in Spain. The authors have selected every major and minor Bible story and illustrated it with art from the ages. The text is elegant and easy to read with no weird ideas on what the stories meant. Very straight forward. One little treasure was something we'd seen when we were in Orvieto, Italy, a few years ago.

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