Monday, December 31, 2012

End of the year bookshelf cleaning--9 books out the door

These titles will go to the library book sale.  Most were purchased used or were from the free box at church, and they don't need to hang around.

1)  Reader's Digest Complete Guide to Needlework (clearance sticker says $3, 9/27/05)

craft books

2) Millie's book as dictated to Barbara Bush

Millie's Book as Dictated to Barbara Bush 1990 HB 1st Edition

3)  More difficult sayings of Jesus

4)  How should we then live? The rise and decline of Western thought and culture by Francis A. Schaeffer

5)  A short exposition of Dr. Martin Luther's Small Catechism.  Concordia Publishing House, 1906.

6)  The purpose driven life by Rick Warren

7)  The Billy Graham Christian worker's handbook; a layman's guide for soul winning and personal counseling

8)  The legacy of sovereign joy by John Piper (2000)

Cover of: The Legacy of Sovereign Joy by John Piper

9)  The right man; the surprise presidency of George W. Bush by David Frum

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