Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Adoption for the Lucky few.

Are you considering adoption? Zondervan (Christian book publisher) has a new book about a delightful family with 3 children under age 5 (lively group) as told by Heather Avis, the mom, about how she and husband Josh went from grief over infertility to joy in adopting two medically fragile babies with Down syndrome and one with a mixed racial heritage. It's very well written and an easy read--but ...the problems and snags like heart surgeries and meeting with birth families are folded in. Avis, Heather. "The lucky few; finding God's best in the most unlikely places." Zondervan, 2017. ISBN 9780310345466 I don't do Instagram, but I think that's how this book was birthed as the author shared her joys and sorrows with others in similar situations. Whether yours is a step parent, international, special needs, or plain vanilla adoption, I think you'll enjoy this book.

More books off the shelves and out the door

They are all off the shelves, some on the floor, some in boxes, bags, two multi-volume titles are tied with red Christmas ribbon (couldn't find any twine), but somehow, I really don't see much freed up space on the shelves.  Some titles came off, then I started browsing and they went back!  Looking through one of the architecture magazines I see a feature on the Thorncrown Chapel (E. Fay Jones), winner of a 1981 AIA honor and which we visited in 2006.  Also, addition to Crystal Cathedral in Garden Grove, which we visited in 1977

Books removed February 2017

Bewes.  The top 100 questions.  2002. PB
Tozer.  Living as a Christian, teachings from First Peter.
Guideposts. Dawnings; finding God’s light in the darkness. 1981.
Guideposts.  Tapestries of life.  1974.
Thurman.  How to think about evolution and other Bible science controversies. 2nd ed. 1978.  PB
Kreeft.  Jacob’s ladder; 10 steps to truth. 2013.  PB
Sparks.  The mind benders. 1977. PB
Eastwood.  Priesthood of all believers. 1960
Davis and Hays.  The art of reading scripture.  2003. PB
Keller.  The Bible as history in pictures. 1964.
Sire.  How to read slowly; a Christian guide to reading with the mind. 1978. PB
Murray.  Like Christ. Reprint 1974. PB
Roberts.  Praying God’s will for my marriage. 1994.
Shelly.  Church history in plain language. 1982.
Tappert. The book of Concord. 1959.
Baille. A diary of private prayer. 1949
McDowell.  Evidence for Christianity. 2006.
Misc. small paperback, (14) devotion and study. 

Maroscher.  Why can’t somebody just die around here.  2015.  PB
Boorstin.  The discoverers; a history of man’s search to know his world and himself. 1983.
Stoll. Samuel Adams; a life.  2008. PB.
Beck.  Broke.  2010.
Beck.  Cowards. 2012.
Stein.  How the states got their shapes.
Bloom. The western canon; the books and school of the ages. 1994.

Saturday Evening Post Treasury. 1954.
Smith.  The miracle at speedy motors. No. 1 Ladies detective agency.  2008
Smith. Blue shoes and happiness. No. 1 Ladies detective agency. 2006.
Harper.  Black orchid. 1996. PB
Hursh.  The final hurdle, physician’s guide. 2012.
Famous Writers Course, 4 vol. + Annual volume.
Pei.  The story of language. 1949. 1965.
Dover. Dictionary of spoken Spanish. 1958. PB
Amsco.  Spanish dictionary. 1968. PB
Nassi Levy.  Spanish first year.  Workbook.   1996  PB.
Latin and English Dictionary, 1966. PB
Repaso y composicion. 1947
Loss Brief Spanish review grammar. 1954
Cassell's Spanish dictionary.1960
Latin, an introductory course. 2nd ed. 1960. PB
Hines.  Laura Ingalls Wilder Little House in the Ozarks. 1991
Hines. I remember Laura. Laura Ingalls Wilder. 1994.

Lee.  Semi-homemade cooking. 2005.  PB
Favorite brand name. Easy foil recipes. 2002.
Woman’s Day Encyclopedia of Cooking. 12 vols. 1966.
2 exercise DVDs, Denise Austin, Mari Winsor.
Gavin. Book of pilates. 2002
Pilates for weight loss with DVD, 2011
OSU Cooperative Extension.  The wisdom of exercise. Bull. 618. PB
Taste of Home, hard cover annuals
  Light & Tasty, 2003
  Annual 1999
  Christmas 2010
  Christmas 2011

Backyard landscaper 40 professional designs. 1992
Biegeleisen. Complete book of silk screen. 1963
Sunset. Ideas for Great kitchens.1991
Victorian dream homes.  160. 1991
BHG. Outdoor projects. 1998
Sunset.  Patio roofs and gazebos. 1988
House Beautiful. Kitchens. 1993
Richards. An introduction to modern architecture. Rev. 1953. PB
Manual of steel construction. 6th ed. 1965.
Roycraft. Industrial building details 2nd ed. 1959.
Action. Housing choices and housing constraints. 1960
Origin of the skyscraper. 1939

2014, 2015 First Things
National Geographic.  2 issues. Oct. and Nov. 1983
Ideals country roads.v. 42, no. 6, 1985
Ideals friendship. v. 43, no. 5, 1985
New miracles of the telephone age. Nat. Geog. mag. July 1954
The Adirondacks Forever Wild. New York Geographic series, no.. 1, 1988
Inland Architect, 9 issues, 1972

Animals and Cats
Turine World. Nat. Geog. Mag. Dec. 1925
Horse identifier. field guide.1980
Horses of the world. 1923
Bast. The poetical Cat, an anthology. 1995.
Lazarus. Keep your cat healthy the natural way. 1999.
Fogle.  The cat's mind; understanding your cat's behavior. 1992.
Shojai. The Purina encyclopedia of cat care. 1998.
Myron. Dewey, the small town library cat who touched the world.  2008

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Allan Bloom's "The Closing of the American Mind"--again

Each time I peruse the bookshelves to do some clearing out, my hand pauses at this best seller of 30 years ago. It was about a year ago, I looked and put it back. Looked again today.

In Alan Bloom’s book, "The Closing of the American Mind” (1987)--a book that began as an essay and became a best seller--he discusses how the meaning and acts of sex and sexuality changed between the 50s and 60s and the 80s, and that the college students he knew saw a sexual arrangement as convenient, but not lasting or a commitment. “They are roommates with sex and utilities included in the rent.” (p. 106). 

With the looming strike of women (they are angry about the election of Trump and mad at the Electoral College) and the January 21 Women’s March in DC, I think he missed his mark in thinking the “rights” push was over.  It’s not over because it's never over for the Left which needs a victim, and over 50% of the population are women and 57% of the college graduates since the 90s are women.  For the Left  no matter what progress women, homosexuals or transsexuals make, there’s always a new victim to be found which can be folded into the original goal.  The push to normalize sex with children is the most recent one, as polygamy or polyandry will just be too boring and acceptable since sex with adults has lost all meaning. Relativism, Bloom said, makes students conformist and incurious. Their supposed open-mindedness closes their actual minds. And that continues as the students of the 80s are the parents and professors of today's college students.

Bloom writes about relationships in the mid-80s: “Men and women are now used to living in exactly the same way and studying exactly the same things and having exactly the same career expectations.  No man would think of ridiculing a female premed or prelaw student, or believe that these are fields not proper for women, or assert that a woman should put family before career.  The law schools and medical schools are full of women, and their numbers are beginning to approach their proportion in the general population.  . . The battle here has been won. . . They do not need the protection of NOW (p. 107)  And he goes on to note that not only do his students have nothing to learn about sex from their parents, but also believe they have nothing to learn from old literature or history  [and I would add the Bible, but he doesn’t] so when they have problems with relationships, they have nothing to go back to.